Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Grape seed extract may fight Alzheimer's (Reuters)

Reuters - A red grape seed extract that packs the punch of red wine -- without the alcohol -- could help protect against memory loss due to Alzheimer's disease, research in mice suggests.

I would like to dispel some of the myths and worries associated with Human Growth Hormone Therapy, or HGH.

First of all, a large number of people do not know what kind of treatment is involved with this therapy. I have asked family and friends if they know what it all means, I have had replies that are completely off the mark, some have thought that it was having injections of a substance that has been taken from Monkey Glands, others have thought that it was something to do with Stem Cell research, none of these ideas could be further from the truth, perhaps it is the name, or some other reason, but whatever, we are stuck with the name.

HGH, is actually made from a combination of all natural nutrients such as Glutamine Peptides, Colostrum and Amino Acids, proven to enhance the bodies natural production of HGH.

HGH is one of many endocrine hormones, like Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Melatonin and DHEA, that decline with age. Research has shown that many diseases and conditions, which occur with aging, may be attributed to the effects of years of Free Radical damage. These toxic particles, damage the cells in your body, but your bodys defenses against free radicals are increased with HGH and its blend of natural nutrients. They help your body to release its own stores of Youth Hormones, its this blend of youth hormone releasers and health protecting nutrients that takes age defying one step further, than any other treatment.

Human Growth Hormone, also known as Somatotropin, is one of the most abundant chemicals secreted by the Pituitary Gland, HGH production in high quantities is essential to growth during Childhood and Adolescence, but also must remain present at lower levels as we age, to maintain wholesale pure l-leucine powder health and wellbeing. After the age of 20, HGH production falls progressively at a rate of about 14% per decade. It is very common to have a loss of 75% or more by the age of 60.

HGH can not only reinvigorate the mind, it can also reverse attitudes, outlook and expectations associated with aging. It increases concentration and thinking power, has an anti-depressive action on the brain and can have a profound effect in increasing energy, together with a sense of wellbeing. Medical studies have proven that positive gains occur only while the growth hormone is being secreted. Falling levels of HGH after the age of 30 is a significant factor in the aging process.

How you look and how you feel depends on the Pituitary Gland, which functions as your bodys master energy center. Weak Pituitary function may cause symptoms of aging, a run down condition, low energy, or an accumulation of fat. Enhancing Pituitary Gland output has been clinically demonstrated to reverse many such symptoms.

By the ages of 70, to 80,nearly everyone is deficient in HGH, the symptoms associated with this deficiency is sometimes shown as wrinkling of the skin, gray hair, decreased energy and sexual function, increased fat and cardiovascular damage, osteoporosis and lack of bone density. The good news is that clinical evidence has demonstrated that by enhancing HGH production, the low levels can be reversed, it can start to restore hair color and growth, regain bone density, increase energy and give immense benefits to health and wellbeing. Please check our websites for more information.

Article by Alfred Jones Information and Public Affairs Officer for: http://golig.net/SugarsR4U/SugarsR4U.html http://www.SugarsR4U.com http://www.RUSweetEnuf.com http://gojijuice.atspace.com